Check the cleanliness of the wheels.
COB Potomac & Northern
Shenandoah Valley
I'll check thanks.
The starting voltage you cite, if you didn't err, is horrendous. It might translate to something like 6-7 volts just to get underway at a crawl. My QSI-equipped locos, running from Paragon to Blueline, all start moving with CV2 set to 1-4. I wonder if your motor is giving out or if the lubes in the gear have turned to cheese.
I am having a problem re-programing my BL F7A. It and my F7B ran great as a consist for years when I decided to give them a rest and stored them in the original boxes for about a year and a half. They both have QSI decoders. Today I took them out of the box and tried to run them. I am using NCE PowerCab and a 5 amp smart booster. The F7B runs fine but the F7A not so good. All sounds are good. However, the A unit did not move when the motor sounds powered up when set at speed step 128. When I change to speed step 28 the unit moved abruptly when the throttle was turned to about 16. I tried to reset cv2 (starting voltage) to 125; max. v.(cv5) to 255; mid speed v.(cv6) to 180; decel. and accel.(cv3,cv4) to 5 and the kick rate (cv116) to 4. After those adjustments it ran better but not like the F7B. I also tried to reset to factory setting which took me back to my original problem.
Would appreciate some help.