Pick a side.
In that case, does it make a difference as to which side is the common or is it a matter of "pick a side"?
They wire the exact same. Two posts on one side get tied together and are the common side, just like Atlas. The diagram is in the instruction sheet:
At the bottom.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Got yet another one for my forum friends. I have purchased a pair of 10E machines for use with my HO 3 way turnout. I have studied the instructions and looked at the units and am completely confused. These will be mounted under table using PL-9 mounting plates.
My experience is with wiring Atlas units, so bear with me. On the machines, there look to be four posts on either side. As I will be using Atlas control boxes, which of the posts coorespond to the center post of the Atlas machines/control boxes and which posts would connect to the outer two screws? I intend to connect the machines so that the outer rails will be controlled by one control box and a second box will control the middle route. I also intend to connect in a PL-35 as I have been told to trigger two machines at once that will be needed.
As usual thank you for any assistance that can be provided.