Before you spend $$$ on circuit breakers and extra high-tech equipment, here is a very easy and inexpensive way of managing short circuits on your DCC equipped layout that protects your locomotives and your DCC system as well as confines shorts to one district without shutting down your entire layout. I have been using this method for 15 years and it has worked great. Check it out and give it a try.
Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado.
Check out the TC&WRy on at
Check out my MRR How-To YouTube channel at
Nicely done video.
COB Potomac & Northern
Shenandoah Valley
There was just a discussion on this topic about two weeks age:
I personally tried this method and didn't like it.
For a discussion of minuses and plusess and a modification to help alleviate some of the minuses see: by Dick Bronson, a much smarter individual than I.
maxman For a discussion of minuses and plusess and a modification to help alleviate some of the minuses see:, by Dick Bronson, a much smarter individual than I.
For a discussion of minuses and plusess and a modification to help alleviate some of the minuses see:, by Dick Bronson, a much smarter individual than I.
Looks like the same link to me. Wonder why the first one didn't work?
maxmanWonder why the first one didn't work?
Maybe the period included at the end (right after the "html") of the first one?
Yup, that would do it. I'll have to edit that out.
Edit: Nope, didn't work. Edited the original post and re-entered link. Seems to work now.
Clickable link from the first post on the thread.
I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!
Thanks for the tip!