I'd like to stack a bunch of boards with terminal blocks on the edges of each of them. The boards are stacked with only 10mm of spacing in between them. With regular terminal blocks, the screw terminal is inaccessible once you stack the boards. What's something that works like a terminal block except lets you adjust the tightness on the edge as well? I was looking at Weidmuller but was wondering if there's a better solution out there? http://www.clrwtr.com/PDF/Weidmuller/Weidmuller-OMNIMATE-Signal-Terminals.pdf
Search: Del City. They are in Menominee, Wi.
I use them for terminal strips but their product lines are huge. They may have option(s) for you. Shipping is fantastically fast!
Their TOP series is too tall for your 10mm board spacing, so screw ones are probably out. The spring ones, the LSF series, are 8.5mm high so will barely fit. As long as the wires you intend to connect are 1.5mm^2 or smaller (#16 or less) they should work.
Your other option is some sort of connector that hangs off the edge of the board rather than sits on top of it. That allows you any sort of connector with a Z height of 10mm + board thickness -- +5 fromt he top side of the board and -5 from the bottom plus the board thickness and one connector won't interfere with the one on the next board in the stack. Or if the connector extends 10mm up from the solder pins - put vias on your boards and solder the connector to the bottom. then you have 10mm to the bottom of the next board plus the thickness of the board.
Since Mel snuck in his post while I was reading data sheets - the first item on his link may be what you want. Basically, who cars if the screws of the bottom one are hidden by the next one up the stack - you can pull the screw part with the wires off the board, attach the wires, then plug it back in.
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