Is there a CV that does a factory reset? I would try the reset if it is available.
Thanks Randy. I will try it tomorrow and let you know.
The Bachmann SOund Value documentation says CVs 3 and 4 are supported and the defaults are 6 for CV3 and 5 for CV4. Strange it's not doing anything. There's a thing to be said about these special OEM decoders with cut down features...
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This Bachnann is a sound engine. It is doing what you described in your tread.I can run it at slow speed but it does want to drag race if I let it.
Are we saying that this engine can not have a deceleration effect?
E-stop on any system should bypass the deceleration setting on a compliant decoder - not much of an e-stop if the loco continues to run another 20 feet and falls off the end of the table anyway. Deceleration settings should only matter when you throttle down in a normal manner, in the case fo Lenz it should be evident with the fast decrement button, it may not be visible witht eh slow decrement button, just like accel momentum migh tnot really be visible with the slow incremement. On knob throttles, the sem effect is visible if you turn the knob slowly - might not really see a momentum effect because you are already adjusting the throttle slowly, but crank it to 0 from speed and the loco should slowly decrease speed.
On my Lenz throttle, I can bring the commanded speed to zero with multiple presses of the speed button, or with a single press of the hard-stop button. When I use the speed button, the setting of deceleration is used, but the hard-stop button will stop the engine instantly.
I'd have to go back and check to see if this is the case with all decoders or only some of them.
I have a couple of engines with Bachman "Sound-value" decoders. These engines don't use the acceleration and deceleration CVs. They can be set and read, but they don't do anything. Since my engines seem to have a very high top speed and are prone to drag-strip acceleration at low speed, I've improved their low-speed control by reducing the value of Vmax.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Starting voltage is set for 10. The spec sheet shows both CV3 & CV4 with a range from 1-255 with a default of 1.
I will try the other recommendation tomorrow.
Have you put something in both CV 3 and 4 (acceleration and deceleration rates)? I'm just wondering if the engine starts slowly, but stops on a dime, or does it stop and start as if it has no momentum at all.
Check to see what you have in CV2, starting speed. If you accidently changed CV2 to 154, it would probably cause what you're describing. Try putting it to zero or one (there are some decoders where some effects don't work unless there's something other than one in CV2.)
It could also be that 154 is out the range allowed for momentum. A normal momentum setting in CV3-4 would be in the 10-20 range; I think the highest I've ever set momentum on an engine is 35. After you set CV2 to 1, try setting CV 3 and 4 to 10 or 12 and see if there's any momentum effect.
You are definitely setting CV4, right?
Can you read it back on the program track? Since it takes your address change, it should handle a change to CV4 as well.
I have a new Bachmann engine. I went to program it on my Program Track. I don't know the decoder but I assume it is a EZ Command. I normally have BLI.
No problem setting the address but I am having a problem with the Deceleration.
They show a default setting of 1. They show a Min setting of 1 and a Max setting of 255. I set it for 154. When I turn the engine speed to zero the engine stops in its tracks. I also tryed to program on the Main with the same results.