I want to buy a sound decoder for my Gp40. I don't know whether to buy a Digitrax decoder or a ESU decoder(I'm not a fan of Tsunami). I know that Digitrax decoders are not as good as Tsunami and ESU Loksound, but they are programable with other sounds so if I ever want to put it into another engine, I don't need to purchase another decoder. But I understand that ESU are way better.
Modeling the PRR & NYC in HO
Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/@trainman440
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LokSound (ESU) decoders are also re-programmable -- but you need a LokProgrammer to do this, and I think Digitrax decoders also need a hardware interface to change the sound files.
ESU decoders reportedly have superior motor control compared to Digitrax.
You could go to some shops and listen to them. We have a few around here. Or you could go to a train show, many times they are running or in booths.
I would go with Loksound, but maybe Tsunami(I know you said you didn't like them) depending on the sound files. I like the equalizer and other control capability of the Tsunamis.
Speaker type, size and install is very important.
Train Modeler You could go to some shops and listen to them. We have a few around here. Or you could go to a train show, many times they are running or in booths. <SNIP> Speaker type, size and install is very important. Richard
I agree with Richard
Here is where things get tricky
SOME outfits - to promote their perfered MFG of sound decoders
Will put the best speakers in the one they LOVE
and not so good speakers in the OTHERS - just to prove to those that LOC or what ever is better sounding!
I have seen and heard this too many times on the U-Tube videos - where they have one brand with an ALCO sound and the NOT so good brand with an EMD
HOW can one make a valad compairson?
We did a compairson with all three LOC - Soundtrax - QSI Titan
Same engine - same speakers all decoders optimized for the best sound and then did a decoder swap for a group just swapping out each of the sound decoders.
I, myself, still liked the Soundtrax - as it had a more CRISP sound to the engine.
Others liked the LOC and still others the Titan.
Each person has their own way of hearing the sounds.
This is why I state - listen to each of them in the exact same engines with the exact same Speakers - otherwise there is NO REAL way of telling which SOUND DECODER is making the better sound!
Then if YOU want to play around with different SPEAKERS then do so with the BEST SOUND DECODER you have decided upon!
In our test above we then took the QSI Titan and put the Stereo speakers and EMULATION MODE on.
There was now NO Compairson - the others were just making noise.
But then that was to my ears - one can't judge the sound listening to 3 different engines each having different Decoders and then different speakers in them!
YOU are only fooling yourself - but then most on here - really don't want their preferred brand to LOSE! so they only push what they like and not really make a side by side compairsons!
We spent the time and money to prove it! We do Sound decoder installs!
BOB H - Clarion, PA
I have both Digitrax and Tsunami's in my locos. The Tsunami's win hands down, but the newer Digitrax 16 bit decoders are a big step forward. I recently picked up a few Digitrax SDXN136Ps's for a song ($24 on sale at Trainz.com!). They come preloaded with an assortment of diesel sound schemes that you can switch by changing a CV. They are N scale (I model in HO) so the speaker is tiny, but I swap in a Tsunami rectangular speaker. The sounds are so-so, but it beats no sound at all. The Digitrax decoders can be loaded with other sounds, but you need to purchase their "PR3" device. There are very few sound files available for the Digitrax, and most are 8 bit and homegrown by other Digitrax users, so the sound won't compare favorably to the Tsunami or ESU. My $.02
Some are concerned when buying a Tsunami that you're locked into the sound files on them when purchased. I don't like the idea of having to pay for a sound programmer so I"m not crazy about that "advantage" of Loksound. So, I send my Tsunami's back to Soundtraxx when wanting new sound files for a few. I've done this once.
I really love the 567 EMD files by Soundtraxx, but kind of prefer the GEVO sound files from Loksound.
To confirm what was said about listening to the locos at a store, I took a Genesis 1500 switcher and changed the speaker and the sound was vastly improved. I have found most OEM installs are poor and so do sound installs for our group.
Thanks for everyones contribution! I guess I'll go with the loksound. I did some research yesterday and understood how digitrax decoders have horrible sound quality.
Btw, the reason I don't like Tsunami is because if I had 10 of those things, it would kill my ears having the same sounds played over and over again. ;)
Trainman440 Thanks for everyones contribution! I guess I'll go with the loksound. I did some research yesterday and understood how digitrax decoders have horrible sound quality. Btw, the reason I don't like Tsunami is because if I had 10 of those things, it would kill my ears having the same sounds played over and over again. ;)
There are many different sound files for Tsunami's, see link below. And they can be changed at OEM. The list from the following link is not all of the sound files available.
They also have them for railcars.
Loksound is not bad as said above.