Our club uses the POWEREX NIMH 9.6v batteries in our Digitrax throttles, and they are charged with either the 4 position or 10 position chargers. The key is that they are 9.6v - a 9v rechargable you buy at the big box store usually on;y puts out 8.4 v at full charge - The wireless throttles lose connectivity at around 8v. This means that they need to be recharged after 2-4 hours when in a simplex throttle, and 4-6 hours in a duplex throttle. With the 9.6v batteries, you can get a good 4 hours out of a simplex throttle and 6-8 hours with a duplex throttle(at least from my testing).
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
These chargers are for AA &/or AAA batteries for NCE radio cabs (AAA).
Bob D As long as you surface as many times as you dive you`ll be alive to read these posts.
There may be others but I've had good luck with the Powerex one. Are the models you mention for AAs or 9V?
[edit: Shame on me... forgot to post the link!)
Digitrax uses 9V batteries. For AA and AAAs I use an Eneloop model but Powerex makes AA and AAA as well.
Does anyone use the La Crosse BC700 or the 12 slot Accu Evolution to charge their NIMH batteries for their radio throttles? Impressions?
Bob D