My layout is 27' x 5' with 3 - 3 foot extensions. The layout is shaped like an 'E'
Can I run a single bus wire right down the middle of the layout and connect to everything from there? I have most of the track laid, and I have feeder wires about every 6-10 feet apart, and all yard tracks and have their own feeders.
I'd probably run a tap off the bus for each of those short legs, to avoid having feeders that could be up to 5 feet long, otherwise, yes, one main bus down the 'spine' of the E.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Part of my layout is a 18' x 6' bench. I run bus lines from a terminal strip the length of it like fingers going out. That way a feeders are never very long.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."