14/28 speed step are the standard values. The Tsunami decoder will default to 128(it interpolates the 28 speed steps into 128). This is something that most decoder do normally. The Digitrax Zephyr system will default to 28 speed steps for this engine, and the decoder does the rest.
CV63 has nothing to do with the DCC system - it is in the engine. This is the Analog(DC) starting voltage adjustment. This will adjust the DC starting voltage, it will not affect DCC operation.
Remember, with the Tsunami DCC Sound decoder, the engine is optimized for DCC operation. You have configure CV's(if they are available) for DC operation.
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
Thanks! I printed out the list so I can have it on hand. After I posted this I thought what the heck I'm just going to do it. :) I runs alot better in DCC mode. I did adjust the CV63 for DC mode but havn't tried it yet.
Not sure why the directions from Bachmann says it has a 28 step mode decoder the CV chart from Soundtraxx says it's default is 128....... Well time to get back to experimentation
Go to the Bachmann site or SoundTraxx site. The Bachmann site just re-directs you to the SoundTraxx site anyway. The Bachmann CV documents are there.
Someone at the Bachmann site just asked the same question.
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.
I recently borrowed a Digitrax Zypher system to try out my new Bachmann 2-6-0 on. The directions with the Loco says it has a 28 step decoder, the MR product review says it runs better in 128 step mode. So does the Tsunami Value decoder support both? Don't want to mess up anything since the DCC system is not mine. i wanted to reprogram the CV63 like the review stated for better DC operation. It will also give me a chance to play with the Digitrax to see if I like it.