Usually the front and rear headlights count as 2, so a 2 function decoder will have just the front and rear lights, a 3 function decoder will have one extra for a beacon or Mars light, a 4 function will have 2 extras, enough for ditch lights, and so forth. If you model the SP in the 70's with the Christmas tree lights, you might need a 20 function decoder
For alternating ditch lights, plus headlights, you need at least 4 function outputs total. If you do not need the citch lights to alternate, you cna get by with 3 total.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Ah, yes...beacons too. I see. There are just more opportunities to do more things with more lights with a 6 function as oppossed to a 4 or 5. Thanks
- Douglas
Typically,right out of the package,F5 will control one ditch lights (Tsunami) and F6 the other but then enters CV configuration...they'll be set to work together as "steady on" and/or blinking alternatively when you blow the wistle,etc.There's no definitive use of most functions as most can be "re-mapped" through CV configuration to suit particular needs or desires.However,re-mapping is not an unlimited feature to all functions as some can be re-mapped to only a few features.
F5,for one,can be set to control a beacon or some other light feature but can't be re-mapped for just anything like sounds,etc.
Then,this function re-mapping possibility differs from decoder brands.While Tsunamis and Paragon 2 decoders offer basically the same features,they don't re-mapped the same way,so that,let's say F5,will not necessarily have the same results.
I think the 6 usually pertains to supporting ditch lights. Does that imply that the 6 supports ditch lights on both ends of the locomotive where as the 5 would only support ditch lights on one end? I'm a diesel guy, not steam, so that's my perspective.
The number of functions primarily determines how many lights the decoder can control within its overall function current rating. By that, we mean that a decoder rated at 250mA output can handle no more than 250mA of current flow IN TOTAL when all the functions are added together.
What's the difference, specifically, what does the 5 do?