I installed a Tusnami KT1000 decoder in each of my SD70,I then installed sunny bright LED ditch lights,after installation I put each unit on the program track to see if they would light up which they did, I then programmed the lights as type 1 ditch lights with crossing logic on in LED Compensation Mode. After programming only one ditch light on each unit would light. Before posting this I found another problem, if I switch to the rear headlight the LED that would not light, now lights switch to the front headlight it goes out an other ditch light now lights up. SO CONFUSED!!!
Harold. GP30
It seems that some functions aren't properly mapped.Here are settings that work for me:
CV33=1 CV34=2 CV39=6 CV40=0.These should have the headlight and rear light (with LED's) working normally with direction of loco and the ditch lights come on with F5.Then F6 becomes unused.
Then CV49=143 and CV50=143 should set your front and rear lights.And finally CV51=169 and CV52=185,these CV's should set your ditch lights (LED's) to flash alternatively when horn is on.
You may desire some variations to this to suit your personal taste,but it should at least give you a starting point unless there is something wrong with either the decoder or your installation.However,it's almost impossible to install them wrong in Kato locos.