One look at that mess tells me it's the MRC version. Good luck finding the resistors without carefully examining the circuit traces. Assuming there is nothing really goofy about the wiring - fairly easy to verify once you locate the resistors and check their value vs what is required for the 1.5v bulbs - you cna either attempt to repalce them with 1K and then simply connect an LED to where the incandescent bulb was connected, or bypass them and install the LED with a 1K resistor. If this has the dual bulb setup like other Athearn locos, it might be better ot get some lenses from MV and then glue a short piece of styrene tube behind the headlight opening to house the LED to light them up, one LED at each end instead of trying to put 2 LEDs there.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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I have a friend who wants me to change the incandecsent bulbs to LEDs in an Athearn Genesis MP15-AC w/sound.
Has anyone done this conversion? Is there a schematic for these decoders? Which resistors are the ones for outputs 1 and 2? Where's the "common + connection?
Photo of the top , resistors are at the far left I believe:
Photo of the bottom, resistors at the far left:
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