Steam or diesel install? There are different types of enclosures. Usually with steamers, the speaker is in the tender. The tender shell should seal fairly tight.
Many diesels, the shells fit tight. Some use a baffle with the speaker in the diesel shell. I have some diesels with both arrangements.
Below are some links about speakers. Probably more than you want to know.
When looking at the You Tube links, you will no doubt see more links that will interest you. Store all links in Favorites.
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.
The speaker should be in an enclosure or it won't produce a very loud sound.
The above is my opinion, from an active and experienced Model Railroader in N scale and HO since 1961.
(Modeling Freelance, Eastern US, HO scale, in 1962, with NCE DCC for locomotive control and a stand alone LocoNet for block detection and signals.) at home, and N scale at the Club.
I use bath caulk applied with a tooth pick. Don't get any on the cone. Take your time.
Gaskets for these speakers are usually sold with the speakers but many miss that.
Below is a good link with info about sound decoders. Look in Curriculum.
There are two small solder pads on the speaker to which you attach the decoder wires. The wires must be soldered, which is going to require a very fine tipped soldering iron. Don't hold the iron to the speaker any longer than absolutely necessary to get a good solder joint because too much heat can damage it.
White, double-sided foam tape is a good way to fasten the speaker enclosure to the frame.
Hello everyone,
I am in the middle of installing my first sound decoder, and have a few quick questions about the speaker:
1. Where do I attach the wires for the speaker? I am using the QSI small oval speaker.
2. What is the best way to attach to attach them? Solder?
3. How should I glue the speaker and enclosure to the frame of the loco?