Does anyone know where I can find easy hook/clip on wire connectors for the SE8C 44 pin connectors because I don't want to solder anything. I will need at least one 4 track PRR signal bridges with 8 signal disk heads, three 2 track PRR signal bridge with 12 PRR disk heads. One of the 2 track signal bridges will be put where there is already a four track signal bridge to make it a six track signal bridge since there are no 6 track signal bridge vendors out there. The 2 track signal bridges will also have 4 signal disc heads (two on each side.) The remaining two track signal bridges will be positioned at junctions and will aid as security elements.The 8 signal track heads is 4 on each side for bi directional operation. That is 20 PRR disk heads all together. Each disk head comes with 7 holes x 20 means I need 140 LED's to light up the signal heads. How the heck will I wire the PRR signal LED's to the SE8C ribbon connectors thus it supports PRR signal types. What will be the best method of doing this? There is no instructions on the Digitrax manual on how to wire PRR signals. Since the SE8C outputs 5 volts, where can I get LED's that runs or supports 5 volts that is already pre wired. Getting un wired LED's with cathodes and diodes would require soldering a resistor plus a wires. That will be too complicated messy and devastating due to tenderness and delicacy. I want to be a productive human being so I can enlighten people with my work of art but i'm stuck please I need some help. Thank you
alloboard Does anyone know where I can find easy hook/clip on wire connectors for the SE8C 44 pin connectors because I dont wan't to solder anything. I will need at least one 4 track PRR signal bridges with 8 signal disk heads, three 2 track PRR signal bridge with 12 PRR disk heads. That is 20 PRR disk heads all together. Each disk head comes with 7 holes x 20 means I need 140 LED's to light up the signal heads. How the heck will I wire the PRR signal LED's to the SE8C thus it supports PRR signal types. What will be the best method of doing this? There is no instructions on the Digitrax manual on how to wire PRR signals. Since the SE8C outputs 5 volts, where can I get LED's that runs or supports 5 volts that is already prewired. Getting unwired LED's with cathodes and diodes would require soldering a resistor plus a wires. That will be too complicated messy and devastating due to tenderness and delicacy. I want to be a productive human being so I can enlighten people with my work of art but im stuck please I need some help. Thank you index.php?a=1039
Does anyone know where I can find easy hook/clip on wire connectors for the SE8C 44 pin connectors because I dont wan't to solder anything. I will need at least one 4 track PRR signal bridges with 8 signal disk heads, three 2 track PRR signal bridge with 12 PRR disk heads. That is 20 PRR disk heads all together. Each disk head comes with 7 holes x 20 means I need 140 LED's to light up the signal heads. How the heck will I wire the PRR signal LED's to the SE8C thus it supports PRR signal types. What will be the best method of doing this? There is no instructions on the Digitrax manual on how to wire PRR signals. Since the SE8C outputs 5 volts, where can I get LED's that runs or supports 5 volts that is already prewired. Getting unwired LED's with cathodes and diodes would require soldering a resistor plus a wires. That will be too complicated messy and devastating due to tenderness and delicacy. I want to be a productive human being so I can enlighten people with my work of art but im stuck please I need some help. Thank you
Why are you using 8 full heads on a 4 track bridge and 12 prr heads on a dual track bridge? Sounds like a lot. I'm in the process of wiring PRR signal bridges and installing them at the club. I have 2 installed so far (pics to follow)
First you don't use resistors with the SE8C. If done right the boards have them built in. I use the TSMK boards that connect to the SE8 with a ribbon cable. This makes the job much easier. I use a flat 8 or standard ethernet cable to wire the signal heads. from the TSMK to the base of the bridge.
I highly recommend you learn the wiring for the SE8C and the signal heads to get it correct. It's a bit tricky at first but at some point you'll get the hang of it. You'll also find that the SE8C does not put out a straight 5 volt signal. What it does is flash the led's on and off very fast to look like they're on constantly. This is how they get 4 signal heads off of a single 10 pin socket.
Again take your time and experiment and test until you have it figured out.
Here's the last 2 I did. I'm in the middle of wiring the heads for the 3rd bridge.
Springfield PA
By the way the signals do not solder onto the SE86. They connect with ribbon connectors.
You're in the wrong hobby if you don't want to solder anything. Unless you are connecting block sensors or using the SE8C's outputs for Tortoises, the only thing you have to solder to the 44 pin connector are the power wires. Commands come in via Loconet, and the signals all connect to 10 pin headers using the ribbon cable and clamp on connectors. The whole point of the 44 pin connector is that connections get soldered to that so that nothing at all is soldered to the board itself.
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