Yeah it sound like a reset is in order. Hopefully the LED driver isn't defective or damaged.
If so there's always the tsunami if the original is out of warranty.
Springfield PA
Wait, so when you sound the horn and the ditch lights alternate, they both work as expected - one on and then the other. So at some point both lights light up, just not together, correct? Then when the alternating stops, one stays on and the other is dark?
With most anything I'd say the first thing to do is a decoder rest. But on most any other decoder it takes programming above and beyond the factory default to make ditch lights work. Not sure about the Paragon 2. After a reset it might end up with ditch lights that just go on and off and never alternate. Page 124 of the Paragon 2 Diesel Technical Reference manual has the CV settings for ditch lights.
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I have a BLI ac6000 paragon 2 loco that one of the ditch lights is out. I took the shell off and the funny thing is when I put a multimeter to the working ditch light the non working ditch light would illuminate and stay lit. So I thought problem solved. WRONG. Once I hit the horn the ditch light goes to alternate but never lights back up once it goees out. Back to square one. Any suggestions?