Having trouble consisting a Blue Line with an Athearn engine whilst retaining sound. Also having trouble finding any info on the subject. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
What brand of DCC system are you using and what type of consist are you trying to create; i.e., Advanced or otherwise.
I've given up on creating a consist involving a Blue Line and any other type of locomotive because the Blue Line seems to always lose its sound upon consisting using an NCE ProCab Advanced Consisting.
IIRC, there was a long discussion on the Broadway Limited web site when the Blue Line decoders were first introduced concerning consisting, and BLI eventually posted a long list of CV settings that would allegedly allow Advanced Consisting, but I never could get it to work.
If you're using CV19 consisting then you need to investigate CVs 21 and 22, which control which functions are active with usign CV19 advanced consisting. Or just use old style command station consists - in many ways they are much more versatile and calling the CV19 method 'advanced' and the command staion assisted method 'old style' is really a disservice.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Digitrax's Universal consisting works ok