Don't toss it, Digitrax will replace it under warranty.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Fiqured it out. Must have been the pins on the decoder board because I swapped it out for another decoder and it works fine.
No , the pins don't look bent. I did check that. It could be one of the pins are loose as Randy suggested.
Either a pin is bent or loose - too much side to side wiggling can break the pins loose from the circuit board. 9 pin conenctors usually fit tight but you should push them in evenly and not rock them side to side. If possible, support the plug on the decoder rather than just pushing the connector in and holding the decoder at the opposite side, so the connector doesn't take all the stress.
I'm installing a wired digtrax HO decoder in one of my brass steamers. The wires are attached to the nine pin harness on one end that plugs directly into the decoder. The others get soldered obviously. The issue is that I can't seem to get the harness to make reliable contact wth the decoder. When I turn the throttle and the engine is in forward, nothing happens. I push in on one side of the harness and then it moves. I then start and stop the the loco several times and then then try to reverse. When I reverse nothing happens. Then I push on the opposite side of the harness and the engine moves. This has got me totally baffled. The harness is pushed in as tight as I can get. It simply won't push in any more and it is a very snug fit. The harness is keyed so it can only go in one way. Any one run into this before? It is not electrical pickup from the engine. I've thoroughly concluded that. I'm thinking get some contact cleaner or electrical conducting lube and spary in the harness. Other than that I guess it's getting another decoder.