Tried the answer to my problem and it did respond to address 3 don't know how or why but got it up and running re programed all CV and working great
(I tried to re program it and it would even accept any comands nothing)
I am confused with your statement- above - Were you or were you not able to read the decoder.
If you can read the decoder Set CV8 to 8 and then remove the power for 15 or 20 seconds, Power must be removed on Tsunami's or it will not reset.
Did you change the address and maybe are not calling up the corrrect unit? Units will idle but not respond if the correct loco is not being addressed. Will it respond to address 3 ?
I have a Tsunami at 1000 installed in a sd 45 Athearn it has worked great for about six months I desided to change so of the cv using my Zephyr Blast mode it worked great
It was running great for about a hour then it stoped dead
It still has the sound of a idleing loco but nothing else works Lights, Forward Backwards nothing
I tried to re program it and it would even accept any comands nothing
Is the decoder shot or can it be re set I haveheard some times static electricy some times affects this can any HELP!!
I have e-mail Tsunami a couple of times with no response which suprized men
Pleas HELP if you can