A friends son ( 13 years old) has a problem with his new MRC Prodigy express DCC system. It recently stopped being able to program decoders on the programming track or on the main. It previously was used for programming and worked fine. He has jsut trreid inon his second locomotive.
Now when he tries to program on the programming track, nothing happens ( i.e. loco decoder is not program as confiimed by me using it on my track and reading back the address with my Prodigy advance 2 cab and command station.
It operates his other locomoitve ok, and it operated his new loco ok once i programmed the address on my system.
When he tries to program it on the programming track. the "LINK" llight blinks furiously, but the manual does not address what this means.
Any help her that i can forward to the lad?
Mr. Mick
York Maine
Double check the wiring of the programming track to insure that a wire has not come loose. If he's trying main line programming on the same track as the programming track, the wiring is a likely problem.
If not the wiring, contact MRC and see if it can be sent back under warranty. The Prodigy Express is not exactly a top-of-the-line system and nothing in it is user serviceable.