I use 4 conductor telephone cable and surface mount boxes for my tortoise (like mentioned above).
Here's a tortoise:
And the turnout control hardware:
Then all I need is a single phone cable between the two. I use the same method for my signal hardware too.
Hamltnblue Yes
Many thanks.
The Railroad must get through . . . . .
I use Cat5 for all my turnout control and now I even used it to replace a BAD NCE PowerCab cable.
Springfield PA
Not meaning to hijack the thread, but is the cat 5 cable acceptable for solenoid type point motors?
cheers n thanks,
Good option. If you want to be tricky you cna attach an RJ45 jack to the Tortoise and solder the wires to it at the bench before installing it, then wiring is a simple matter of plugging in the cable.
The current draw of a Trotoise is around 15ma max, easily handled by the Cat 5 wire. If you use the switch contacts for LEDs or signals, those too are usually limited to around 15-20ma. It's too thin to use for frog power though.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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That's what I used for my tortoises. The longest run I have is about 20 feet from the power supply and the tortoise runs just fine.
Was wondering if the wire inside a Cat 5 line is ok to use for wiring Tortise switches and signals, max run 10 ft. I have lots of it, and the colors work, not to mention its just going to waste anyway... Thanks much Scott