Hi everyone. I am trying to convert my Kato NW2 to DCC. Can I use an N gauge decoder or is there a small decoder I should use?
I was thinking to use a LOK sound but no room. Has anyone any experience with this.
Regards Phil in Sydney Australia
First of all, is this one of the older Kato HO scale NW2 locomotives (Around 5 years old?)
I have converted three of them using a Lenz LE077FX decoder (which now has a different number), but no sound because there's no room for a decent sized speaker.
Even the tiny Lenz decoder required grinding away some of the weight in order to make room for it. There are now smaller decoders available, such as the TCS M-1, but only for motor and light control.
I seem to recall someone posting a message here a few months ago to the effect that they had put LokSound into one of these models, but the speaker must be very tiny (and tinny sounding). Perhaps they'll see this question and point you to their install photos.
Thanks, this is heading me in the right direction.
Yes it is the older one.
I am unsure what decoders are available but I will follow this up with Lenz
Some of the tiniest decoders are mde by CT Elektronic, if you're REALLY pressed for space. They don't seem to have an English version of their web site but getting the technical data isn't a problem as numbers are numbers and 10mm is 10mm, and 1A is 1A. They also have some really tiny sound decoders, but I've never heard them in action - plus there's still the issue of where to put the speaker.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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thanks mate. I'll check it out
I did use this guideline on three NW2 with N size decoders. It is not actual plug and play but you can do it in one to two hours.