If you don;t already have it, download the full decoder manual from the Digitrax web site. You'll need to play around with the Scaleable Speed Stabilization (BEMF) CVs, CV55, CV56, and CV57. You can tune most of this out but not all of it, it comes from Digitrax deciding to accumulate all the 'error' into two different speed steps - the same lurch will happen from one step to another at a higher speed as well. I was able to tune mine down to where it wasn't really bothersome, but it was still there. You could also just turn off BEMF by setting CV57 to 0.
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I have two Proto 2000 GP38-2's. I've installed Digitrax DH163LO decoders. I've been programming the CV's and have encountered something odd. When the locos accelerate from a standstill they will do so smoothly until they get to a certain point and then they speed up quickly...almost a lurching motion. I have the CV's set as follows: CV2=3, CV3=40, CV4=14,CV5=98, and CV6=52.Do I need to tweak the CV's some more to correct this or is this a problem peculiar to Proto 2000 units? If the CV's need tweaking could anyone suggest some numbers or what changes I should make? Thanks for all advice!