Over time you'll find that many of the top end decoder features are eye candy and rarely used. At the same time the manufacturer can brag about the unused features in the comparison charts. I only wish that they would make 2 manuals. First being Most common features. and second being advanced, or whatever. A QSI or Tsunaimi manual can be made half the size for the average user.
Springfield PA
Thank you for the replies everyone. After playing around with it, I decided that I would switch it back. The manual notching is a neat feature though.
The Tsunami has 2 manuals. One is the standard and the other is called the users guide which is a more plain english version and a little shorter. They talke about manual notching on page 43.
Too bad it doesn't have a semi-automatic mode that some of the others have, where it will notch up as you advance the throttle but you can also manually notch it higher or lower than the current speed step would otherwise be using. I just read the reference guide, doesn't seem like the Tsunami can do this.
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I just let it do it's thing automatically. As far as consist you might have to do a few more settings than just the default to get everything to work. Also try an old style consist to see if that does the trick.
For the past week, I have been installing a two more Tsunamis in my locos. I have been playing with the CVs and deciding which settings I like and may implement them in the future to the rest of my locos. I had set one to manual notching. It is kind of neat, yet kind of annoying at the same time. The annoying part is basically me forgetting to notch it up whenever I speed up the train.
My questions are:
Do any of you use this feature?
Can it be used in a consist? I tried it and it didn't work.