An NCE SwitchIt will control two turnouts and is much cheaper than the Hare. The SwitchIt can be operated from either a DCC throttle or toggle switches.
I've never used a Hare, so I don't know how many turnouts each one can handle, but believe a separate one is required for every Tortoise.
Both the SwitchIt and the Hare should operate just fine with any DCC system.
My suggestion would be to go to both Tony's Trains and NCE's web sites, download their manuals for the Hare and SwitchIt, and then use the one that does what you want to accomplish. The Hare has far more features than the SwitchIt, but many of them are ones that I would never really need.
I am thinking about getting the New Hare Decoder but I have a few questions
1. Will this decoder run more than one switch?
2. I have a Prodogy Advance DCC. Not Prodogy Advance Sq. Will I am able to program all of the funtions of this decoder.
3. I have toggle switches to control each turnout which works fine. Two toggles to control 4 switches on double crossovers. Is the Hare worth the money and have any real advantages?
Thanks in advance for your replies.