Besides I wasn't asking for help on the Auto Reverse. I was more concerned with how the double crossover was going to work.
It depends on how you hook it up.
Check this out
I beg your pardon, but the Digitrax AR1 Auto Reversing Controller also works on DC and does not use optic switching. It is completely independent of the digital network so it can work on DC and DCC.
You guys had me going 2 years ago, but I found out nobody here knows what their talking about.
I just built my 1st layout using Unitrack and I’m having some wiring issues. I know exactly how to do it with Atlas track and turnouts, but I discovered that Unitrack is wired different.
I have to reverse loops, but I’m using a double crossover to exit the loops. So instead of four #6 turnouts, I’m using two #6 turnout and a double crossover.
I figured it out on my own, Thanks