Thanks Brett! It's a great program - are you planning on an iPad update? It would be great to just click icons of the locos you want to run, for instance, on one side, and have the throttle on the other!
I'm trying to model 1956, not live in it.
There are exactly two apps I actually paid for for my iPhone: my ebook reader and WiThrottle.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
My local operations group rotates around five home layouts. Two owners have DCC, JMRI, wifi and support the WiThrottle. I have been able to test the WiThrottle on both. They are large full basement railroads with up to twenty trains running simultainiously.
I too am a fan. The control is precise, it works everywhere, is easy to use and very fast. The existing Digitrax wireless has dead spots and sometimes lags.
Of course, I already owned a iPhone, so no additional cost.
PS: The author of WiThrottle, Brett Hoffman is a member of our op group.
I am a big fan of WiThrottle too. I have been using it very effectively from my iPod Touch. Many thanks to the JMRI team and Bruce Hoffmann for putting this together.
Slowly building a layout since 2007!
Version 1.1 has just been released and seems to work quite well. You can now run two locos at the same time using the dual throttle mode. Throttle sensitivity has also been improved and can be adjusted to your liking. I really like the yard mode operation as it saves having to keep punching forward/reverse and I think I will use this all the time, whether switching or not. There may be other features that I haven't yet explored.
I'm using it with a Power Cab without a Smart Booster (N scale) so it looks like you could now run up to 4 locos at the same time, two on the WiThrottle and two on the Power Cab. I haven't tested this yet so am not positive that you could do this but if so that really helps those who need more throttles. Maybe if several people had WiThrottles you could even run more locos, power permitting. Anyway it will be fun to explore this to see what's possible.
Having wireless is great for me as I'm always afraid I'm going to step on the flat Power Cab cable that sometimes drags on the floor. By the way, is a coiled cord available?
Rio Grande vs. Santa Fe.....the battle is over but the glory remains!