The new MRC Prodigy Wireless Throttles have built in recharging, question, NCE currently does not not have this useful feature so how can a Pro Cab be retrofitted with some measure of recharging either built in or be plugged into a recharging circuit somehow without having to resort to removing the batteries?
I have 4 of the NCE wireless Pro Cabs I average 4-6 mo on batteries and I run weekly so no big deal to change. You put in a recharging circuit and if it over charges you will have battery acid all in side your Pro Cab. Just something else to give you problems.
Just my 2 cents.
Hadn't thought of that possibility. I had the idea that the batteries did not last nearly that long, so I was just musing about replicating what mrc was doing. Seems it may not be worth the bother.
you said 4-6 months... was that for the tethered or radio ProCab? I have a radio Cab.
okay I see but don't read..... my only excuse is I'm a newbie at this. 4-6 mponths of radio use seems pretty good durability.
I get a lot of use out of a set of batteries as well. Just changed them for the first time after a few months of use. About an hour or 2 a week.
Just make sure you use good quality batteries.
Springfield PA