I will order one.
NCE has an easy to install (but not just plug in) decoder specifically for these locos. The SW-SR. It repalces the existing board, and the wires connect to the decoder in similar locations as they did on the stock board. It includes a resistor for the rear light so you don't have to dismantle the cab interior to pull out the old bulb, and ti has solder apds and a resistor already onboard to solder on an LED for the headlight. The decoder clips on tot eh mouting clips that held the original board.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Thank you once again for your advice.
Hello everybody,
I have just got my superb S I running beautifully,and I open my next loco the proto 2000 sw8 (how do the gran childern now what to get you for christmas).
Well proto tell me it is to small to fit a plug into and just wire it up youself,i thought maybe a TCS M 1 would do the trick should i remove the board and hard wire the unit,it looks like the cab lights could be a bit of a chalange.