Depends on the "status" of each decoder. When you select an address, the status is shown on the display.128 means the address is in 128 speed step status. 28 means it's in 28 speed step status. See the section in you manual titled: "Decoder Status" for an explanation and a table of possible values. The command station remembers to send the appropriate status packets to each address.
Now, the "clicks" on a DT400 are tied to the status.On 128 speed step status, the numbers advance once per click except that every third click there is an extra click before the number advances. That's how the throttle shows 99 when it's set to 128 speed steps.
On 28 speed step status, the numbers advance once every third or fourth click. Some 3 some 4 because the throttle makes it work out so that you are on speed step 28 when the display reads 99.
Simple, Huh?
You can change the status of each address when it's selected. See the section titled "Status editing" in the manual. Some decoders may require 28 step status to run properly so be prepared to change the status back if it does not run the way you like. 128 is the "preferred" status. I can't think of any current production decoders that won't operate on it.
Martin Myers
I have a DT400 throttle and am runing N Scale Atlas locomotives with Digitrax decoders. For some of the locomotives, the throttle knob steps go at 3-4 numbers per click while another locomotive's throttle steps are one-to-a-click or even less.
What is going on here and how can I make it so they all behave like the latter, one click per step?
Thanks, Eric
I'm kinda likin this stuff