Hi There;
About a year & a half ago I installed a Tsunami light steam decoder in this engine. Everything worked great until about 6 wekks ago. The headlight started doing strange things. It goes out on odd numbered speed steps & comes on on even numbered speed steps. I am using an NCE Power Cab at home & CVP EZ DCC at the club. Am I going to have to replace the decoder or is there some CV I can adjust? Thanx in advance for any help.
PS Thanx David for the info on brake squeal. It works great.
Thanx for your reply. I reset speed steps to 28 & problem went away. Don't know how that got changed but all is well now.
I've had the same thing happen on a few tsunami's, both steam and diesel. I had been using decoder pro to program them. Apparently there is a setting that screws something up in the lights. I read back the CV's but never could figure out what the culprit was.
Well CV29 controls the speed steps - or did you reset the command station to send 28 steps? Lights going on and off with every other speed step is a clear sign of the decoder expecting 14 and getting 28 - if you look at the actual DCC packets, in 14SS mode one of the bits in the speed packet is the control for F0, the lights. In 28SS mode that bit is part of the speed being sent to the decoder - odd, it's on, even it's off. So you'd have Lights on, then off, then on, then off as you went from 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 4.
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