NJT wrote:So, buying a DT400 will help me with my MU question that I have? If thats the case, ill go buy one as soon as possible.
For the time being you will find the answer to your problem ln my first reply to your original post, a simple 3 steps method.
Edit : May as well repeat it.
Here is the procedure:
1-Put the leading loco on the track facing forward from left to right (left to right is use only for the explanation sake, it could be the other way around if you prefer). Select that loco and make sure it is going forward from left to right.
2- Put the trailing loco behind the first one facing backward and do not couple them. Select it and make sure it is traveling in reverse from left to right.
3- Now that both locos are traveling in the same direction, reselect the leading loco and MU the trailing one as per instructions in the Manuel.
Jack W.
davidmbedard wrote: The easiest way to consist with the Zephyr, is to buy a DT400.David B
The easiest way to consist with the Zephyr, is to buy a DT400.
David B
Absolutely David,
There are other benefits to this option, the addition of a DT400 throttle will open a new world to your Zephyr.Low speed control will be more precise. Consisting will be more intuitive. Toggling back and forth between the top and trailing units easier and faster (top unit is always active on the right knob and the trailing one is always active on the left knob). Changing end of a consist with a DT400 is done with only 4 keystroke and on the fly. You can run two trains simultaneously, one on each knob without using any recall button. You will also gain access to 4 more functions, from F0 to F12 inclusive.
NJT wrote: Hi, my name is Tony and I'm wanting to know how to MU two locomotives together that are in a tail to tail configuration. I know that this can be done but, im not sure how to do it with the Zephyr.ThanksTony
Hi, my name is Tony and I'm wanting to know how to MU two locomotives together that are in a tail to tail configuration. I know that this can be done but, im not sure how to do it with the Zephyr.
From your question I gather you know how to MU locos elephant style, the problem arise when you try to MU them back to back (tail to tail if you prefer).
1-Put the leading loco on the track facing forward from left to right (left to right is use only for the explanation sake, it could be the other way around if you prefer). Select that loco and make sure it if going forward from left to right.
Maybe. On second thought, I dont think it will work with the zephyr, becuase it does not ask you what direction the train is traveling in like MRC does.
I have the MRC Prodigy Advance and to MU with tail to tail you simply enter the second loco with loco number and reverse. If both loco's are to be run forward enter the second loco with loco number and forward. I have never seen a Zephyr but I imagine the procedure is similar.
Good Luck
Section 18 in the Zephyr manual covers MU'ing.
Martin Myers