Just found a website that answers a lot of questions that have come up on this forum regarding wiring layouts for DCC. (Truth is, I think I glanced at this site a while ago, then lost it.) It answers my question about twist, jamnest's "Stranded versus solid wire" thread, questions about safing with auto tail-light bulbs, and lots of layout-related issues that are raised repeatedly on this forum. The link is:
by Allan Gartner. He's a double-E and bases his recommendations on empirical data, mostly from his own engineering experiments. Of course, it's not current on decoder technology, but as he says, the physics of layout wiring don't change. It's a must-read!
Hi Walleye
Another great site is Marcus DCC for dummies.
I pray every day I break even, Cause I can really use the money!
I started with nothing and still have most of it left!
Afraid the link as given doesn't work. S/B:
(size matters - )
I clicked on the link on your post an it came right up.