Recently I got 2 Stewart switchers and put TCS MC2 chips in with BEMF. I had to turn off the BEMF because the locos started too fast on Speed step 1. I adjusted Dither to just turn the flywheel on speed step 1 and now they run great. Nice and slow. 5 minutes from 1 tie to the next. Sometimes locos run so good that I have to adjust CVs down to get them to run like the prototype. Then you get other locos and have to adjust CV2 to 24+ to get them to turn over and CV6 to keep them from flying off the track. Gear ratios play a big part of speed matching locos I just wish manufactures would standardize or just come close to each other.
I pray every day I break even, Cause I can really use the money!
I started with nothing and still have most of it left!
First of all, a locomotive has to run slowly and smoothly on DC. DCC control does not improve the running characteristics of a locomotive. CV adjustment allows you to adjust how you control the locomotive, but it can't turn a poor runner into a good runner.
If you want to improve your locomotive's running yourself:
Can't really help with individual CVs. But a steady creep of less than 5 smph should be achieveable on straight DC in most all locomotives. Once you have that, fine tuning the CVs to meet your desires shouldn't be difficult.
my thoughts, your choices
Fred W
How do you adjust your Dcc locomotives to move really slow? I have a NCE Dcc System, HO scale.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.