Thank you, MisterBeasley, for your quick reply and help. It sounds easier than I was anticipating. I was sure that the layout's complexity would create a reversing loop somehow.
I was thinking of using Peco Code 83 Electrofrogs as a way to limit the number of dead spots through the turnouts. These, I am guessing, are the kind of power routing turnouts of which you trying to make me aware. Would the Insulfrogs make the wiring easier, but the operation harder, as I suspect? Or I am I completely off base here? (Not to pick on Peco -- a fine product, which I haven't exploited to its fullest extent!)
Actually, assuming all your trackwork is perfect, all you have to do is connect two wires.
For more reliable operation, though, I would put a set of feeders on each siding. On your diagram, all the top rails of each track connect to one side of the booster, and all the bottom rails connect to the other side.
You should be aware that you may have problems if you use some power-routing turnouts. What kind of turnouts do you plan to get?
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
I would like to build Scot Osterweil's NYC Highland Terminal Timesaver module, but I have absolutely no idea how one should wire it for DCC, specifically the Digitrax Super Chief starter set. I assume it needs more than just connecting two wires. Can anyone give me a quick and dirty attempt to get me pointed in the right direction?