In the process of preparing for a move, I was going through my train stuff that is in storage and found my stash of N scale equipment. Among it is a pair of Atlas N scale GP40's that I purchased in the late 90's. I think these have been run maybe 2 or 3 times. I was originally debating on making my new layout in my soon to be home N but have decided to stick with HO. I will however be building a portable N scale layout using the hollow core door technique. As part of the layout, I'd like to make it DCC, does anyone know what the process would be to convert these Atlas locos' to DCC?
Modeling the fictional B&M Dowe, NH branch in the early 50's.
Thanks for the info, I'll check out the DN163AO. I also found an SD9 and GP38, but they are not in their packaging like the GP40's so I'm not sure on the make although I think they may both be Life-Like. I'll have to take a closer look at them.
Thanks again!