Hi all, My club uses a digitrax system and I've programed one of my trains to use while I'm out there or for shows. Now can I use that train on a MRC system at home with the same programmed decoder number. If I us number 34 on the digitrax club layout can I still use 34 on my MRC system??? Anyone know??? Will this work???
Thanks Kutter
Kutter wrote:Now can I use that train on a MRC system at home with the same programmed decoder number. If I us number 34 on the digitrax club layout can I still use 34 on my MRC system?
Thanks for the help guys. I think if I had the same systems as the club there wouldn't be a problem. But because they are to different systems they won't work together. thanks again
I think you need to READ the responses again. Check your MRC manual. If you can use a 2-digit address that includes address 34 on your MRC system, you can use the engine on either layout without re-programming. You are NOT trying to make the 2 systems work together - you are simply using the same component on 2 different systems. As long as the decoder is compatible with either system, it will work on either system (if the club layout requires that the address be set to 0034 [4-digit address] and your MRC system only supports 34 [2-digit address], then you will have to re-program when you move from layout to layout BUT the engine WILL run on either layout).
"You are what you eat," said a wise old man. Oh Lord, if it's true, I'm a garbage can.