I've got each of the Forums saved as Favorites in IE 6. When I click on them, though, most of the time I get an old cached copy. So, after waiting for the screen to refresh and fill up with advertising, then I've got to manually refresh it again to get the latest screen.
Is there a way to tell IE to always get a fresh copy of the page? Sometimes it does, but not always.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Ask a geeky question, get a geeky answer: Firefox.
Seriously, though:
In Internet Exploder (!), go to Tools/Internet Options. On the General tab, midway down the page, find the button labeled "Settings..." This controls all your cacheing settings. The default setting is "Automatically", and if that isn't selected, try that one. If "Automatically" is selected, or if it still doesn't work, then switch to "Every visit to the page."
That ought to do the trick.
Of course, switching to Firefox isn't a bad solution either.... (I only use IE for a few intranet pages that die in Firefox... And don't even think about using Netscape -- they haven't had a useable browser since v.4 or so...)
Hope this helps!
Thanks. I was looking in Favorites, thinking they would put it there, or maybe allow you to set that parameter selectively for each one. Silly me.
We have one of those hyper-paranoid IT departments at work, so they don't let me put anything on my computer beyond the approved applications. We don't even get the SP-2 pop-up blockers with IE.
Yeah -- same kind of IT department here. IT security here is kind of like the Pentagon: multiple passwords to do anything, passwords never in sync, etc etc. Fortnately, though, they're reasonably enlightened: Firefox is approved, IE is not.
I strongly encourage you to move away from IE.
I use Yahoo and suspect it's the same thing. Also Im behind a router and on a Intranet as well.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
When did this become the Electronics and DCC AND Microsoft's junky browser support area?
Firefox or Opera...IE has always been, and will always be crud.
Flame suit on.
Can we get this moved to General Discussion or maybe to the Diner thread or better yet to www.InternetExploderHelp.com...
J/K...well not really...but hey don't shoot me for hating IE and wondering what this all has to do with Model Railroading, Electronics, or DCC?