Welcom from DownUnder
As you are no doubt aware the detector with the ATLAS signal system 'holds' the signal driver to red whilst the a loco or lighted car is in the signal block. When the loco or car leaves the block the signal goes yellow etc.
Whilst an IRDOT will detect the train and is separate from the train power your problem will be that once the train no longer covers the IRDOT the ATLAS signal driver will 'think' that the block is unoccupied and proceed to clear the signal. In other words the IRDOT will only work for your installation if the signal block more or less EXACTLY = the train length which is simply not practical. ( Or you use multiple IRDOTS which would be somewhat expensive)
When the train is in the signal block and no longer over the IRDOT you will need the IRDOT when it first 'sees' the train to drive a latch - (RS flip flop). This latch in turn 'locks' the driver (DRIVER #1), on to the red signal aspect.
This is the only way the signal will hold at red if your signal block is longer than the train.
You also need the IRDOT at the next signal, (IRDOT #2), to 'inform' the latch holding signal driver #1 to release so that the driver #1 can go to yellow. The only alternative to this is to manually clear the latch.
I have just done this kind of installation, though using the ATLAS detector instead of an IRDOT on an 'O' scale layout where the owner had the same wiring issues as you appear to have, namely that he had multiple feeders into the signal block and did not have a signal sub buss.
(If you have multiple feeders and no separate signal sub buss you will get false detection because the current drawn can bypass the detector which depends on current draw to operate.) The 'O' scaler did not wish to rewire so that is why we used a latch system.
You you have some understanding of electronics you will be able to do what I described quite easily but I'll admit it is somewhat complicated. I am writing an article on what we did and propose to offer it to 'O Scale Trains' in the next month or so.
By the way if you use the system I described use the ATLAS detector and save the cost of an IRDOT. Just make your signal detector block a little longer than one diesel truck in this way you'll avoid the 0.7 volt drop which is inherent in the ATLAS detector because it uses an Opto Coupler.
John L
You might take a look at this site
He has a pretty neat product line. We use his detectors for our club layout.
I have used Logic Rail 'Block Detector' signal units and they have all the logic to drive a pair of signals. They have a tech sheet on how to use IR detectors instead of the light sensors provided with the product. This units are completly seperate from the track wiring, and will still detect a train after it has uncovered the entrance sensor.
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
I've used infra-red detectors to control a grade crossing controller. They are mounted between the ties so they are well hidden. The ones I used were from TCH Technology. They work well but do need a good, filtered DC power supply or they start to act funny. Search and find their website and the instructions for the detector. IIRC, they simply pull to ground when activated. They also have a timer that can be adjusted which would help prevent false drops as couplers pass over.
Short answer is: Yes.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
I am looking for alternative block detectors to be used for controlling 3-color signals (Atlas). My DCC layout is redundantly wired in such a way that power or current pickup for the signal system is impractical from a re-wiring standpoint. I need a detector which has absolutely no requirement for any connection, either inductive or physical, to the track power system.
Circuitron has some optical occupancy detectors, but I'm also considering the infrared detector systems (IRDOT). Is there anyone out there with some experience with these types ? do infrared systems have detector outputs which can be used to drive signal systems as indicated above.