QUOTE: Originally posted by howertoncp . . . . Basically, what I need are plans or copies of articles on scratch-building a GE-IR-Alco Boxcab diesel or any other boxcab diesel switcher for that mater. I know there was a two part article in the April & May 1956 Model Railroader for a start. There have also been a few articles in RMC in the past (way past). Where, short of the Library of Congress, can I get copies of those articles. . . . .
QUOTE: Originally posted by dknelson Actually P Carrell's model more closely resembles some of the inspection locomotives of the late 19th century, with a passenger car body mounted over the boiler of a small steam locomotive. It was probably a hot and uncomfortable ride but nicely elevated and a good way to inspect the ROW. Dave Nelson
QUOTE: Originally posted by pcarrell OK, it's now about 5 or 6 hours after my last post and I've gotten home and taken some photo's of this steam boxcab project. Now I'm not a photographer as you can tell by these photo's, but I think you'll get the point. This is basically a Bachmann 0-4-0 that I cut the cab off of and then shortened a Bachmann old timer passenger car and have grafted it on to the loco. This project still has a long way to go, but I think you can see where it's going. Not if you are after something more along the lines of a traditional diesel boxcab, I'd find a diesel loco with the same wheelbase and scratchbuild a body for it. A steel boxcar might be a start on that.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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