Tichy also makes a nice tank simiar to the Walthers. Does anyone have any experience building the Tichy?
I have a pair of Korber 127 water tanks on my layout. Very nice kits. I put a flashing red aviation light on top of one tank. One is on a elevated section of my layout the other is in the yard next to my roundhouse.Mel My Model Railroad http://melvineperry.blogspot.com/ Bakersfield, California I'm beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
The plant I worked in had a free-standing water tower:
Plant_front8-4-49_size-1 by Edmund, on Flickr
I believe they were pretty common for larger facilities to insure a backup water supply and to have a source for the fire sprinkler system.
GE_December_12_0002 copy 5_edited-1 by Edmund, on Flickr
Ours was piped underground and there were steam trace lines to prevent freezing.
Looking at the age of the structures in the Delaney kit I don't think there would be enough structural support to carry that much water weight. A free-standing tower would be more appropriate, IMHO.
Possibly the Walthers city water tower would work for you?
Good Luck, Ed
I am completing the Delaney Iron Works buildings. Modeling late 40s early 50s era. Buildings weathered to look old. I am thinking it would be appropriate for the stone building and brick building to have some sort of water tower(s) to provide for fire suppression, etc. Would it make sense that they might have a water tank on a seperate tower rather than mounted on top of each building? If so would I need to show piping from tower to the buildings or could that be underground? Thanks for all input.