I want to get some N scale opera window style centerbeam cars to supply some lumber yards on my layout. Looking at web, appears that they are made by many different mfg's. Is there a prefered mfg in terms of adhering to correct lengths or availability of pre made loads? Since running empty (light weight) some of the time, running quality is very important to me.
Paul D
N scale Washita and Santa Fe RailroadSouthern Oklahoma circa late 70's
There are 63', 73', and 81' center beams out there on the prototype(and I may have missed a few).
IIRC, the 'opera window' cars are quite old - the open center beam with the diagonal bracing is more common. I think the Thrall 63' car is what you are describing. Micro-Trains makes a Thrall 60' car in N with either type of center beam...
The real one can be quite tricky to unload, as they have a tendency to tip over if a forklift operator tries to unload the car on one side only. I have seen concrete jacking pads under cars to be unloaded with jacks/blocking to prevent this...
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
PEDThanks Jim. Old is what I need since I mainly model the 70's back when the centerbeam first came out and the opera window represents the older style..
The 63' HO ExactRail opera window Centerbeam, which is visually similar to the Micro Trains N scale Centerbeams, are based on a car which was delivered by Thrall in 1977. However the Micro Trains N scale Centerbeam with opera windows is advertised as a 60' car, so not sure if it is based on the same or a different, possibly earlier prototype. The prototype of the longer, 73' Centerbeams were delivered in 1987 (ten years later) which are the Walthers opera and standard type.
Rio Grande. The Action Road - Focus 1977-1983