Emergency exit information similar to this:
Your model is in the present day "heritage phase III". This present day scheme has the blue signs. Based on online photos it appears the car got these blue signs during its phase IVb repaint, as it didn't have them with IV paint.
In the photos below note the different size (smaller) of the windows with the signs underneath. These are Amtrak emergency exit windows.
IV Paint (no emergency exit signs):
IVb Paint (blue emergency exit signs added):
Heritage Phase III (like your model):
Matt from Anaheim, CA and Bayfield, COClick Here for my model train photo website
I just received a new HO model of Amtrak Dome Lounge 10031, the "Ocean View". It is made by Walthers in Phase III paint scheme. Very nice. It appears to be the same basic car body which Walthers used for their previous GN and NP versions, with a few minor differences which likely reflect modifications made by Amtrak when they converted the old GN cars.
My question: There are small signs under two of the lower level windows on each side of this model. Under magnification they are not legible, they are just blobs of white shapes on a blue background. What should they say? I have been unable to find a prototpye photo that shows these signs and hope someone here may have that knowledge. Thanks.