Hi All.
Since I have a freelance layout of the LIRR in Queens, New York I look to Railpictures.net, et al, for inspiration. I came across a picture last night of the New York and Atlantic Railway's (the freight railroad arm of the LIRR) new Progress Rail (a Catapilar subsidiary) PR20-B which is a tier 3 emissions 2000hp roadswitcher. No other information was given and the amazing internet has yielded very little info. These locomotive (2 of 12 delivered thus far to NY&A) are to replace the NY&A's GP38-2's and SW1001's. Does anybody have additional information on this, what almost looks like to be, a GP38-2 rebuild.
All the best.
Joe F
What I found interesting is that one model is rated at 2150 HP and the other 3150 HP, but use the same Alternator????
Thanks for the info. From the pictures I have seen this locomotive would make an interesting model.