Here is something I ran across on RAILPICTURE.NET. The residents on an Island in Germany travel to the mainland in private rail cars that look like rolling porta-pottys, some look even more so than these. They don't have cars as far as I can tell. These cars look like they are setting on a sideing.
Just thought some might get a chuckle out of the pics.
Good day.
Open air ride added.
I think they are rolling outhouses. A good business man can multitask by reading the morning paper or briefing, take care of natures business and commute all at the same time. I keep saying no one is as efficient as the Germans.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Well Batman, I suppose you and I are the only one's with a since of humour. There were a couple more pictures of the cars traveling.
where is that beer?
The green one looks sort of similar to a Kiso Rintetsu caboose - except that the caboose has end platforms. It's also painted red.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
The engine doesn't have to be very big so it is most likely under the floor. Level ground and steel rails you know.
You get a lot of photos and information if you search google for "hallig eisenbahn". Have fun ;-)
This "" might be useful to understand the special environment of those "railroads".