Here's a new way to illuminate a railroad bridge beginning September 24, 2011 ...
At (NBC) WJAC-TV: Johnstown Lighting A Bridge. At Wikipedia: Stone Bridge (Johnstown, Pennsylvania). At the Tribune-Democrat: A Real Turn-On for Johnstown...
Stone Bridge is part of the old 4-track Pennsylvania Railroad mainline constructed prior to the 1889 Johnstown Flood, one of the purposes of the bridge-lighting, on what is now the Norfolk Southern 3-track mainline -- Still taking traffic of at least 4 dozen NS trains/day plus 2 Amtrak Pennsylvanian trains/day.
Stone Bridge Project refurbishing over the past year has included new roadbed guardrails, bridge cracks touch-up, re-surfacing the bridge surfaces with an egg-shell off-white epoxy that also reflects the new look of the bridge.
So, another approach to light up a prototype bridge for 1.2 million dollars. Many times, we can take for granted how much upgrading & maintenance prototype bridges really does cost.
Conemaugh Road & Traction circa 1956