At the risk of picking nits, there is no "e" in Ridgway Colorado. You will want to spell it correctly on your layout. Keep us posted on your build.
It's been a while, but for anyone referencing this post - my RGS site URL has been updated.
Either will get you to the site.If any of you were using, or have links on your sites to the old 'base' address of '' - please update it to ''. Thanks!!!
You are not digging into that web site very hard. Look at this URL:
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
Thank you for the site, but I wasn't able to find anything there.
Anyone else have anything?
Does anyone have pictures/drawings of it? Ridgeway is the starting point on my layout (well, technically that is Rico, but that is represented by staging) and since the other yard is going to be a freelanced city, Toledo, CO, as will be the route between Ridgeway and Toledo, I only need to research one place, Ridgeway. I can't find any information on it. On a side note- please don't send me to I have been there, I know about the Rio Grande Multimedia Adventure Kit, and I will buy it as soon I as I have $100 for it, but I want to get a plan kinked out now.