hi and thank you very much for your help i will see how i go
thanks again
hi and thank you very much for help i will see how i go.
thank you
If you are going to have two power packs, the inner and outer loops must be isolated with either insulated rail joiners, or if the track is already layed, just use a cut-off wheel and cut each rail of the track that joins the inner and outer loops.
I'm not sure if I understand your dilemma. It sounds like you want to run two trains on two different sets of tracks at the same time, but also have the ability to change from one track to the other. Do you have two DIFFERENT power packs, each attached to one track loop? That would allow you to run two trains separately. The problem comes when you want to change from one loop to another.
In order for this to work properly, both loops need to be isolated from each other's power source, yet you must be able to power BOTH loops from one power source to change loops. This is most easily accomplished using Atlas's Selector switches. The selector switch allows you to connect one of two power sources to any track. Here is a link to Atlas's website showing the Selector switch.
To use the Selector properly, you layout will need to be divided into several electrical "blocks", where each block can be powered by either power source. Each Selector switch can direct power to 4 blocks. Selector switches can be ganged together to power more than 4 blocks.
This is a simplified explanation and identifies Atlas products as a solution. That is not the ONLY solution, but using Atlas products is a lot easier than trying to wire a bunch of toggle switches to do the same thing.
I hope this helps get you started. Here is a link to Atlas's wiring book. It will help you understand all the wiring necessary for a model layout.
Now that I've said all this, someone is going to get on here and tell you to forget everything I wrote and just switch to DCC control! LOL That's another story all by itself!!
Darrell, quiet...for now
Hi could someone tell me what iam doing wrong i have 2 tracks The inside track will work with 1 controller ok.The outside track with the other controller will also control the inside track is this suppose to happen do i have to isolate anything. I have 2 sets of points on opposite sides of each other crossing from outside track to the inner.Idont know if i explained properly i dont have much idea about this stuff but trying.These were 2 seperate layouts and i decided to join them together.