mrgstrain wrote:Texas Zepher; I may have worded my question incorectly. I know how to wire the tortoise to the dpdt switch at the panel, but what if i want to power the frog or point rails from the tortoise? My eror in wording.
Thank you all. The Tonys site was very helpful. Everyone have a nice Thanksgiving.
abbieleibowitz wrote:I don't have a lot of experience with Tortoise machines, but someone sells a connector that goes on the bottom of the machine that suposedly makes it easier to connect the wire leads to the printed circut board. I think it's called a Hare. Anyone tell me what that's used for? Admittedly my soldering skills may not be great, but there has to be an easier way to connect the wires to one of these things. And then you end up with all this spagetti hanging off. Do people use 8 or 9 different colors of wire? Come on guys (and ladies), what are the tricks to Tortoises? Happy Thanksgiving Abbie Happ
mrgstrain wrote:Texas Zepher; I may have worded my question incorectly. I know how to wire the tortoise to the dpdt switch at the panel, but what if i want to power the frog or point rails from the tortoise? My eror in wording. Larry
Texas Zepher; I may have worded my question incorectly. I know how to wire the tortoise to the dpdt switch at the panel, but what if i want to power the frog or point rails from the tortoise? My eror in wording.
Here's Tony's diagram (about the same as comes with the Tortoise, I think):
Shows both how to power a frog and how to connect signal(s). Use either or both.
Dave-the-Train wrote: Be careful! You'll have the animal protection people after you! Oh... you mean a point motor...
Be careful! You'll have the animal protection people after you!
Oh... you mean a point motor...
Your a very funny man dave,
you should be on the stage....................
mrgstrain wrote:I have never used a tortoise. How should i wire from the tortouise to feed power to the switch let's say either the frog or the point rails to make a good eletrical connection.
I have never used a tortoise. I know the two end connection's go to the dpdt switch to operate the direction of the switch. How should i wire from the tortouise to feed power to the switch let's say either the frog or the point rails to make a good eletrical connection. Thank's