If, by retainers, you mean those small plastic covers that slip over the decoder's connection points to hold the wire in place, throw them away and solder the wires to the decoder.
I know of no place that sells those retainers because most people throw them away and use solder when a decoder is installed.
Any decoder with a JST header on it should fit into the dash 9's quick plug socket.
conrail92 wrote:Ok here it goes Question 1: Ok the DCC retainers that came with the Loco the slots in them seem to be too small to fit on my digitrax decoder, Is there anyway to fix this? Also where can i buy addtional retainers? because i need a couple becuase i lost two for another engine.Question 2: Athearn rtr 9-44cw DEcoeder? What type is needed for the quick plug version of the athearn rtr dash 9. I want to buy a digitrax brand decoder. And since im getting the new loco in a couple of days i want the decoder so i can put it in when i get it.
See this thread.
Engineer Jeff NS Nut Visit my layout at: http://www.thebinks.com/trains/
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