QUOTE: Originally posted by rrinker As for laying out the CTC panel - since you have so many computers, consider two panels, two divisions - you can have a second computer with locobuffer hooked to the very same loconet and control half the rialroad from one and half from the other. You're on the JMRI group - that's how Jerry Britton is handling things for his large N scale layout. --Randy
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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QUOTE: Originally posted by jsmaye QUOTE: Originally posted by rrinker You make that sound painful. Who doesn't have a Java runtime installed? Use Firefox instead of IE? Need a java runtime for that, too. Winlok and RR&Co have runtimes for whatever their languages are as well, they just get installed by the installer if you don't already have them. Java IS a memory hog, but it's not slow once loaded. Take a little while to start up JMRI on my P3 800MHz laptop with 256MB but once loaded there's no response time issues when clicking. I have a P3-500MHz with 512MB that loads it up right snappy. My main 2.7GHz desktop with 1GB RAM, near instantly. --Randy Quoting myself - "Panel Pro, while free, will consume a little more time to put it together, plus the need to install a Java run-time application on your PC." There's no mention of difficulty. There's no editorializing. I don't have a preference. I use both, WinLok on a XP P4 and JMRI on a Linux PIII. Was I incorrect in my reply to the original question? No. We both understand the JRE issue. Does he? I don't know. The question was asked by someone else whose level of expertise is unknown. My point was WinLok and JMRI are roughly equal in performance due to WinLok's 16-bit architecture and JMRI's running on top of an interpreter.
QUOTE: Originally posted by rrinker You make that sound painful. Who doesn't have a Java runtime installed? Use Firefox instead of IE? Need a java runtime for that, too. Winlok and RR&Co have runtimes for whatever their languages are as well, they just get installed by the installer if you don't already have them. Java IS a memory hog, but it's not slow once loaded. Take a little while to start up JMRI on my P3 800MHz laptop with 256MB but once loaded there's no response time issues when clicking. I have a P3-500MHz with 512MB that loads it up right snappy. My main 2.7GHz desktop with 1GB RAM, near instantly. --Randy
QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert Don't WinLok and RR&Co have free demo's you can download and try out? I'm a big fan of JMRI, but if you want to try before you buy the others, that may be an option. Then you can see for yourself what the differences are, and which one you like better. Steve
QUOTE: Originally posted by rrinker Or RR & Co. Winlok and RR & Co will probably be easier to set up - but PanelPro will be able to do anything they can, it just might take some scripting I like a bit of a challenge [:D] I am helping out a local guy, he was going to use RR & Co for his layout but I have to show off PanelPro a bit. He's not much of a computer/electronics guy, but he makes some mighty fine models -scratchbuilt N scale Camelbacks that run as slow as the best HO locos, maybe even better. On Code 40 and Code 25 handlaid track! He's doing a turn of the century Reading layout --Randy